Saturday, January 31, 2009

Adm. Keating Discusses U.S. Pacific Command Strategy with NPR

U.S. Pacific Command's cooperative and collaborative approach to security in the Asia-Pacific region was among several topics discussed when Adm. Timothy J. Keating, commander, U.S. Pacific Command sat down with KUOW Puget Sound Public Radio talk show host Steve Scher, in Seattle, WA recently.

The interview can be heard in its entirety external to this post in RealAudio, or MP3 (HI)/(LO) formats, or below.

Adm. Keating provided insight into the PACOM strategy, which is founded on three main pillars of partnership, readiness, and presence. The admiral addressed questions regarding the current state of U.S.-China military relations; India-Pakistan following the Nov. terrorists attacks in Mumbai, India; North Korea; and U.S. military support to the government of the Philippines with its efforts to counter violent extremist organizations.

The admiral also discussed the emphasis the U.S. military places on environmental stewardship, as it trains and operates in the maritime environment to ensure its equipment and tactics are ready to respond across the spectrum of operations. He noted that if the U.S. is going to be instrumental to security that it has to be capable of fighting and winning.

However, a long held view of Adm. Keating's is that major conflict in Asia-Pacific is not inevitable. The admiral believes that transparency of intentions, combined with cooperation and collaboration, will help avoid possible confrontation and confusion that could lead to crisis. He also pointed out that there are ample opportunities for all countries in the Asia-Pacific region, including China. He said that by working together, we will be better postured to protect our respective vital interests.

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