Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Routine Joint, Combined Military Exercises Kick Off in Republic of Korea, Thailand

A pair of routine, joint and combined military exercises began March 9 in different regions of the U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM) area of responsibility.

Aviation and ground units from the Republic of Singapore Air Force, Royal Thai Air Force and Army, and the U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps are taking part in exercise Cope Tiger, an annual multilateral air training exercise in Thailand.

Cope Tiger includes opportunities for developing multilateral interoperability and coalition procedures in air power missions such as close air support, tactical airlift, aerial refueling, and airborne command and control. Along with the training, a number of humanitarian and civic assistance projects will take place, including medical outreach.

Underway in the Republic of Korea (ROK) is Key Resolve/Foal Eagle, an annual defense-oriented Combined Forces Command (CFC) exercise designed to enhance readiness and the ability of the ROK-U.S. alliance to defend the ROK if necessary.

As noted by Gen. William Sharp, CFC’s commander, Key Resolve/Foal Eagle is designed to help teach, coach, and mentor military members while exercising senior leaders’ decision-making capabilities, takes place every year, and has no connection to ongoing or current events.

Every day throughout the PACOM area of responsibility, U.S. service members are training and interacting with their counterparts from partner and allied nations, demonstrating not only the larger U.S. commitment to regional peace and stability, but a commitment to collaboration and mutual professional growth.

For Key Resolve/Foal Eagle news, visit the United States Forces Korea website. Keep up with Cope Tiger on the 13th Air Force website.

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