Monday, June 29, 2009

Adm. Keating Talks Strategy With Atlantic Council

Adm. Timothy J. Keating, commander of U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM), discussed the PACOM Strategy and current Asia-Pacific security successes and challenges in Washington, D.C. June 29 during an event hosted by Atlantic Council.

The discussion was moderated by former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Walter B. Slocombe and concluded with a question and answer session.

The PACOM Strategy is a forward looking plan based on the three tenets of partnership, readiness and presence, Adm. Keating explained. The strategy provides a simple, but not easy, framework for ensuring peace and stability in the region, he noted, by enhancing U.S. relationships and the capability of our allies and regional partners.

Adm. Keating praised the strong and enduring bilateral relationships that exist in the region while emphasizing and highlighting the importance of multilateral solutions to challenges.

The U.S. remains the reliable partner that can be depended upon in times of good or bad to ensure economic stability, Adm. Keating said.

C-SPAN televised the discussion and the video is available on the C-SPAN website.

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