Monday, November 16, 2009

Sri Lanka Schools Open Following USAID-PACOM Partnership

A pair of schools rebuilt in Sri Lanka by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) – with funding from U.S. Pacific Command – opened last week.

As reported by the Sri Lanka Sunday Times, U.S. Ambassador to Sri Lanka Patricia A. Butenis presided over the opening ceremony for the two schools in the Trincomalee District, where a total of five schools were rehabilitated. In addition to those five schools, two schools and one hospital were also rehabilitated in the Batticaloa District.

The project was made possible, in part, with Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster and Civic Aid (OHDACA) funds, which are being administered by PACOM.

While coordination of humanitarian assistance efforts with USAID offices in foreign countries is not new, the use of PACOM’s OHDACA funds to support a USAID-managed projects is, as noted in a January blog post.

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